23401 Mound Road
Warren, MI 48091
United States
(586) 756-3610
Local 1102 Officers
Kelly Raleigh, President and Delegate
John Skurya, Vice President and Delegate
Paul Jewell, Financial Secretary and Delegate
Bill Kenney, Recording Secretary and Delegate
Gene Robinson, Treasurer
Bryce Cobb, Jr., Conductor
James A. Serra, Warden
Philip Garofalo, Trustee and Delegate
James Dungan, Trustee
Robert J. Biernacki, Trustee
Moustafa Hamid, Delegate
Douglas J. Robinson Jr., Delegate
Meetings are the 1st and/or 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. (voted on quarterly).
Meeting Location:
Fax: 586-756-6675